Friday, March 6, 2020

Volunteering at Lambeth Academy with Gavin F

Volunteering at Lambeth Academy with Gavin F Since the winter term, Gavin F has been volunteering at Lambeth Academy, helping  three year 9 students with extra  English tuition .  We caught up with Gavin to see how the sessions were going. Interview with the students: What have you found the particularly useful about the sessions with Gavin? Soraya: Probably finding out new words and it’s improving my reading. What do you think about Gavin? Leah: He is very interactive and passionate about English And how do you feel it has helped you outside of class? Becky: Well we are studying Animal Farm later in the term so I think that what we have learnt about censorship of the press will be useful. Interview with Gavin: How do you feel you have supported their learning? G: I think by encouraging them to push themselves to realise that learning is   away of life rather than just an exam. You were also observing lessons earlier this week â€" what was that like? G: It was interesting to see behaviour management because I am going to do a PGCE and that is something university cannot really prepare you for. In terms of teaching style, what did you notice? G: I noticed that you have to keep them interested as a teacher â€" once they are bored they will rebel And what have you taken away from the experience? G: The most important I've taken away is that even as a Teacher you can keep on learning. If you want to get involved in our charity mission - click here to sign up today!!

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